Law School Resource Centers
Environmental Law and Sustainability Center at Widener University
Environmental Law Center at the Vermont Law and Graduate School
Environmental Law Project at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
Climate Change in Law School and Legal Practice
Duquesne Kline Law Library Guides
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Law Review Journal Articles
International Law
The Paris Agreement Overview of the Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty on climate change adopted by 196 Parties at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference.
Is the Paris Climate Agreement binding? Experts explain World Economic Forum article discussing why the Paris Agreement, while described as a legally binding document, requires signers participate in the process of participation, but lacks enforceability of the obligations themselves.
Domestic Law
Climate Change Laws of the World Free database and interactive map of climate change laws, targets and litigation cases in countries around the globe.
U.S Federal Law
Climate Change Regulatory Actions and Initiatives Resource page updated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that houses reports, fact sheets and announcements relating to actions taken by the federal government to address climate change.
National Climate Task Force Group 25 Cabinet-level federal leaders working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, producing carbon-pollution free electricity, and other environmental, economic and social goals.
State Law
State and Local Climate Change Resource Center Collection of state and local initiatives on climate change, renewable energy and efficiency compiled by the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University Law School.
StateImpact Climate Change Explainer Collaborative effort by NPR and local member stations to highlight news stories about climate change, energy and environmental issues in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Climate Change Act of 2008 (Act 70) Established the Climate Change Advisory Committee to advise the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on the implementation of the Act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan Written by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Climate Change Advisory Committee and submitted to the Governor in 2021, this plan includes mitigation strategies, as well as the current and project impacts of climate change on the Commonwealth.
Municipal Law
City of Pittsburgh’s Climate Action 3.0 Plan The City of Pittsburgh’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within city limits and within City operations.
EcoDistrict Certification Pittsburgh-adjacent municipalities Etna, Millvale and Sharpsburg became the first three EcoDistrict-certified communities in the world, a recognition of their demonstrated commitment to a sustainable, equitable response to social and environmental challenges.
This guide was last updated on June 19, 2023