According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 2 million persons are incarcerated in the United States, and libraries, such as ACLL, are here to offer access to information. Furthermore, the largest library association in the US, the American Library Association, through its members, works to provide library services to incarcerated people, as well as their families.
Whether you are incarcerated or someone close to you is, here are a few ways to gather useful information:
If you want to find additional resources, you can search the ACLL's online catalog, or this ACLL's topical legal information resource page.
Research the law: use ACLL's LibGuides; watch our videos so you know how to access our resources - in person or remotely.
If you need additional assistance in research, you can visit the ACLL at, call us at 412-350-5353 or email us at
Policy & Forms from the Federal Bureau of Prisons:
Resources from Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
Other Resources
Resources for the formerly incarcerated from the Federal Bureau of Prisons:
If you are a member of the public interested in sending books, know that it is not as easy as you may think. But there are organizations which can help.
This directory of prison libraries is maintained by the Washington State Library Institutional Library Staff. This is the Pennsylvania entry.
Maps and lists of the institutions, regional offices, a headquarters, staff training centers, and residential reentry management offices administered by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The Bureau also administers contracts with private corporations to operate additional correctional institutions.
Law Libraries Serving Prisoners is an online version of the print "Directory: Law Libraries Offering Services to Prisoners." The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), Social Responsibilities Special Interest Section, Standing Committee on Law Library Services to Prisoners compiles the data.
WorldCat list of books tagged by ALA Library staff as key references for prison library management.
Corrections-related resources including training plans, research reports, program evaluations and more. Not all items are online. Access to the full collection and onsite Information Experts, through online Information Help Desk. Catalog searchable and browsable.
If you have feedback, questions or suggestions about this guide, please contact the Allegheny County Law Library at
This guide was last updated on August 2, 2022.