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Guide to ACLL Services for the Pro-Se Litigant: Home

In Pennsylvania, the judiciary has four general levels. The Minor Courts - courts of limited jurisdiction, hearing arraignments in most cases; The Court of Common Pleas - the trial court of general jurisdiction; The Superior Court and Commonwealth Court;

ACLL Offers Basic & Specific (targeted) Research Support to Pro-Se Litigants

The Allegheny County Law Library (ACLL) is a public law library, serving the Allegheny County residents. The ACLL is not part of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh or the eiNetwork.

How to access the Allegheny County Law Library remotely


414 Grant Street, 9th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 

How to visit the Allegheny County Law Library

The Allegheny County Law Library (ACLL) also offers these services for a small fee, as detailed in Guide to ACLL Services for the Public.

When it comes to services for the Bench, law libraries need to think about serving the public in need of Court Services absent legal representation. The Allegheny County Law Library strives to provide such services, understanding that privacy is paramount.

Pro Se Litigants are helped at ACLL in many ways, including:

1. find relevant resources by searching the ACLL's online catalog, or the Pro-Se Litigants Resource Page.

2. use the public terminals for your work;

3. make copies of those resources;

4. find directions for locating needed services in offices located in the City-County building, or outside.


Remember to research the law by using ACLL's LibGuides; and watching our videos. Watch our videos to learn how to access our resources - in person or remotely.

If you need additional assistance in research, you can visit the ACLL at, call us at 412-350-5353 or email us at

County Courthouses in Pennsylvania

County Courthouses in Pennsylvania

Courthouses are important places to look for

  • birth,
  • marriage and
  • death records.

These are usually found in the Register of Wills office in each county. For instance, in Allegheny County, the Department of Court Records, Wills/Orphans’ Court Division accepts documents for the Orphan's Court, and  issues marriage licenses and takes passport applications.  

Records in the Recorder of Deeds offices can also be useful. Here is the Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds

Naturalization records are usually held by the Prothonotary's Office in each county; for Allegheny County information, click here.


If you visit the Pennsylvania Courts of Common Pleas website you will find a map of all county courthouses in Pennsylvania, as well as information on county prothonotaries and registers of willsAccess a listing of recorders of deeds in Pennsylvania.

Here is a the map for the Allegheny County Common Pleas Court.

allegheny - 001398.png


An overview of Pennsylvania court system management

  • Pennsylvania’s court system docketed over 3 million cases .
  • The state court system — a core function of government — receives one-half of 1 percent of the state’s total budget.
  • The judiciary collects far more in fines and fees that it receives. Over the past 10 years, the court system has collected nearly $4.6 billion. These dollars, for the most part, do not flow back to the judiciary. They are distributed to state and local governments, which include airport and parking authorities, and programs that support victims.
  • The court system maintains automated statewide court case and financial management systems that provide enhanced court access and accountability to the courts, criminal justice agencies and a host of others including the Commonwealth’s citizens.

For Librarians


If you have feedback, questions or suggestions about this guide, please contact the Allegheny County Law Library at

This guide was last updated on August 2, 2022.