The Washington & Lee Law School Library produces this site that lists law journals by subject, country and other factors, and allows users to rank journals by impact factor or immediacy index.
There are also a number of journal articles that talk about this topic:
Allen Rostron & Nancy Levit, Information for Submitting Articles to Law Reviews & Journals (2021).
Michael Goodyear, Information for Submitting Articles to Specialty & Non-Flagship Law Journals (2021)
Nancy Levit et al, Submission of Law Student Articles for Publication (last updated 2016).
HeinOnline has a list of "More Cited Law Journals" (You may need to log in with your Duquesne credentials before accessing).
Is the journal available in places where scholars will find, and hopefully cite to, its contents? Some considerations include:
Is it open access or freely available?
Is it in Westlaw, Lexis, or other subscription databases?
Is it indexed by Legaltrac?
Is it indexed by the "Index to Legal Periodicals" and Books?
Journals have different policies for receiving submissions. Your best starting place is to check the journal's website, which usually provides details about its policy. We have collected on this page some potential resources that you can use for submitting an article.
If you do get an acceptance for publication, you might be asked to sign an author agreement/contract with the publisher. Some standard agreements require things such as transferring copyright or prohibiting what you can do with your own work.
There is a law review article that discusses Law Journal Publication Agreements. It is from 2012 so it may be a bit outdated.
SPARC is a non-profit advocacy organization that supports systems for research and education that are open by default and equitable by design. We believe everyone should be able to access and contribute to the knowledge that shapes our world. They have information about author rights here.
Creative Commons is another nonprofit organization that helps overcome legal obstacles to the sharing of knowledge and creativity to address the world’s pressing challenges. Creative Commons promotes the use of open access. Read more about the project here.