Name and Description | Who May Use the Resource? | How Do You Access the Resource? |
Study Aids in Lexis Digital Library Users can check out ebook versions of various study aids, including titles from the Mastering, Understanding, and Questions & Answers series. More than one user can have a book checked out at the same time. Users can read, bookmark, annotate, cut-and-paste, and highlight borrowed materials. The checkout period for electronic study aid books is two weeks after which time the item will expire; however, you will be able to check it out again. If you have used the OverDrive Read software, your annotations and highlights will still be available under your “History & Notes” section in OverDrive. Users may check out a maximum of 10 items at any one time. |
CALI stands for the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction. It is a non-profit organization. Most law schools in the country are CALI members.CALI provides online tools, lessons, and other learning resources on nearly all legal subjects. In addition to lessons on traditional legal topics, CALI also contains lessons on Law School Success topics such as note-taking, case briefs, exams, and grit. |
Users can check out ebook versions of various study aids, including titles from the Mastering, Understanding, and Questions & Answers series. More than one user can have a book checked out at the same time. Users can read, bookmark, annotate, cut-and-paste, and highlight borrowed materials. To see which titles are in the database, please click the series tab above to learn more.
How Do you Access the Resource?
Who has Access?
Users may check out a maximum of 10 items at any one time.
CALI stands for the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction. It is a non-profit organization. Most law schools in the country are CALI members.CALI provides online tools, lessons, and other learning resources on nearly all legal subjects. As a member school, all Duquesne Law students and faculty have access to CALI and can create an account at
In addition to lessons on traditional legal topics, CALI also contains lessons on Law School Success topics such as note-taking, case briefs, exams, and grit.
How Do You Access the Resource?
Who has Access?
Please contact if you have any questions.