Questions & Answers: Business Associations (eBook - 3rd ed.) by Douglas Branson; Seth Oranburg; John RiceQuestions and Answers: Business Associations helps students better understand and develop their mastery of the law of business association in ways that will help them succeed in a standard survey course, prepare for the bar exam, and enter practice. The third edition of this popular supplement updates, clarifies, and builds upon the coverage of earlier chapters, introduces questions focused on the law of agency, and elaborates on distinctions between the Model Business Corporation Act and the Delaware General Corporation Law. Notably, the revisions of the third edition have been informed by developments announced by the National Conference of Bar Examiners in anticipation of forthcoming revisions to the bar exam. This study guide includes multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of questions comprising a comprehensive "practice exam." For each multiple-choice question, the authors have provided a thorough, yet concise, explanation that both indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question is designed to be answered in fifteen minutes or less. For these questions, the authors provide a comprehensive, yet brief, model answer. In all, this study guide provides a useful tool for formative assessment and self-evaluation.
Questions & Answers: Constitutional Law (eBook - 4th ed.) by Paul McGreal; Charles RhodesThis popular study guide for an introductory constitutional law course includes approximately 200 multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for targeted practice in applying the concepts as the material is covered during the semester, plus an additional two dozen questions comprising a comprehensive "practice exam." The multiple-choice questions include detailed explanations of the answer and the basis, considering the Supreme Court's past decisions and the Constitution's text and structure, for choosing that response over the other three options. Each short-answer question is designed to be answered in less than 15 minutes and includes a thoughtful, complete, and concise model answer. The Fourth Edition has been updated throughout, rewriting some topics to account for the new directions already charted by the Supreme Court in recent decisions on separation of powers, substantive due process, equal protection, free speech, and religion, along with highlighting future potential jurisprudential changes based on the Court's recent emphasis on original historical practices.
Mastering Constitutional Law by John C. Knechtle; Christopher J. RoedererThis book covers the essential elements of constitutional law in a condensed framework. This book's concise, up-to-date, user-friendly approach is refreshing. Whether students are studying for constitutional law exams or the bar exam, this book offers a highly readable yet thorough coverage of the subject. Each chapter begins with a simple roadmap alerting the reader to the direction of the chapter. The chapter naturally unfolds according to that plan and then ends with a list of checkpoints that summarize the chapter in pithy phrases. The book ends with a complete outline for constitutional law, a great study aid.
This book is part of the Carolina Academic Press Mastering Series edited by Russell L. Weaver, University of Louisville School of Law.
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Questions & Answers: Criminal Procedure--Police Investigation (eBook - 4th ed.) by Wayne LoganThis book and its companion, Q&A: Criminal Procedure -- Prosecution and Adjudication, will assist readers' learning and exam preparation in criminal procedure courses and for the bar exam. This volume covers arrest, search and seizure, interrogation, identification, suppression issues, and entrapment.
Understanding criminal procedure. Volume 1, Investigation by Joshua Dressler; Alan C. Michaels; Ric SimmonsContents: Introduction to criminal procedure -- Overarching policy issues in criminal procedure -- Incorporation of the Bill of Rights -- Fourth Amendment : overview -- Fourth Amendment : "persons, houses, papers, and effects" -- Fourth Amendment terminology : "search" -- Fourth Amendment terminology : "seizure" -- Fourth Amendment : "probable cause" -- Arrests -- Search warrants : in general -- Warrantless searches : exigent circumstances -- Searches incident to lawful arrests -- Searches of cars and containers therein -- "Plain view" and related doctrines -- Inventory searches -- Consent searches -- Terry v. Ohio : the "reasonableness" balancing standard in criminal investigations -- More "reasonableness" balancing : searches and seizures primarily conducted for non-criminal law purposes -- Fourth Amendment : standing -- Fourth Amendment : exclusionary Rule -- Interrogation law : overview -- Interrogation law : due process clause -- Interrogation law : privilege against compelled self-incrimination -- Interrogation law : Miranda v. Arizona -- Interrogation law : Sixth Amendment right to counsel -- Eyewitness identification procedures -- Entrapment -- The right to counsel : at trial and on appeal.
Call Number: Law Library Treatise Collection KF9619 .D74 2017
Understanding Evidence (5th ed.) by Paul GiannelliThis Understanding treatise presents the essential topics in evidence law cogently and concisely. While it was written primarily for students in Evidence and Trial Practice courses, the "Key Points" summary at the end of each chapter and the inclusion of the current Federal Rules of Evidence in an appendix make this treatise an excellent reference for busy attorneys. Understanding Evidence begins with an overview of Evidence law followed by an explanation of the roles of the judge and jury. The remaining chapters are organized under the following topics: Procedural Framework of Trial Relevancy Witnesses Real and Demonstrative Evidence Writings Hearsay Privileges Substitutes for Evidence This treatise extensively discusses and cites the Federal Rules of Evidence. Cases, statutes, other rules, and secondary sources are also cited, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding evidence law. The fifth edition discusses recent amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence and new Supreme Court cases since the previous edition in 2013.