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Popular Database Overview

The Catalog

We offer two options with respect to the library catalog: (1) DUQSearch, or a search of the "discovery layer"  and (2) LOCATE. The discovery layer search is provided by the search box on the library's website.

  • DUQSearch (requires MULTIPASS login)
  • LOCATE search without logging in but use your MULTIPASS to check your circulation record, etc.

Some more facts about the library catalog: 

  • We share our catalog with Gumberg Library. Duquesne Kline students can check out books from both libraries.
  • When you run a search of the catalog, you will find records for books in both print and electronic formats. This includes electronic versions of treatises and practice materials that can be found in databases such as Westlaw and Lexis.
  • When you search the discovery layer, your search results will include things such as journal articles, newspaper articles, and even videos. Most of these items will be from Gumberg Library databases. So, at least some of the content might be law-related, but your search will not include coverage of the materials in most of the databases that the Law Library subscribes to. The one exception is HeinOnline, which is a resource that provides access to many law reviews and law-related journals. If you run a search in the discovery layer, it will include a search for relevant journal articles that are located in HeinOnline.