Name and Description | Who May Use this Database? | How Do You Access This Database? |
Lexis+ is a comprehensive legal research tool. Support Contact Information: Our School's Lexis Representative
Westlaw Edge is a comprehensive legal research tool. |
HeinOnline provides access to over 2800 law and law-related periodicals as well as other legal materials. Journal holdings typically begin from a journal's inception. HeinOnline also includes ABA journals and newsletters, state and local bar association publications, and primary law resources (including many historical documents). HeinOnline can be a good resource to check if you are unable to find older materials in Lexis+ or Westlaw. Materials in HeinOnline are in image format, meaning that the materials appear as they were originally printed. |
Fastcase provides access to federal law, state law in all 50 states, and special courts including the Board of Tax Appeals and U.S. Customs Court. A Wolters Kluwer Treatise collection is included. |
Bloomberg Law A general legal research website that features access to data from PACER as well as a variety of news and corporate law resources. |