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Popular Database Overview

Overview of General Legal Research Databases

Name and Description Who May Use this Database? How Do You Access This Database?


Lexis+ is a comprehensive legal research tool.

Support Contact Information:

Our School's Lexis Representative
Carlie Fisher


  • Restricted to Duquesne Kline faculty and students. 
  • You need an individual account.

Westlaw Edge

Westlaw Edge is a comprehensive legal research tool.

  • Restricted to Duquesne Kline faculty and students.
  • You need an individual account.


HeinOnline provides access to over 2800 law and law-related periodicals as well as other legal materials. Journal holdings typically begin from a journal's inception. HeinOnline also includes ABA journals and newsletters, state and local bar association publications, and primary law resources (including many historical documents). HeinOnline can be a good resource to check if you are unable to find older materials in Lexis+ or Westlaw.

Materials in HeinOnline are in image format, meaning that the materials appear as they were originally printed.

  • Restricted to Duquesne University faculty and students. 
  • Users must sign in using their Multipass credentials.
  • If you are using the database off-campus and you encounter a screen that asks you to provide either information on a proxy server or an individual account, select the proxy server and then select Duquesne University.
  • Users can sign up for individual MyHein accounts that allow them to save or bookmark items and to set up alerts. You can also sign up for SmartCILP, which provides subject-specific lists of new journal articles. 


Fastcase provides access to federal law, state law in all 50 states, and special courts including the Board of Tax Appeals and U.S. Customs Court. A Wolters Kluwer Treatise collection is included.

  • Remote usage is restricted to Duquesne Kline faculty and students.
    • Also accessible from a law library computers
  • Use your Multipass credentials to log in.

Bloomberg Law

A general legal research website that features access to data from PACER as well as a variety of news and corporate law resources.

  • Limited mediated access for Duquesne Kline faculty
  • Please contact